INBA Pro Sandra Froher Interview

Sandra Froher started competing in 1980. She took a long time off before returning to the stage in 2007 after a challenge from one of her students. After all that time off she came back and looked incredible, including winning her INBA Pro card. Sandra is an example of what hard work and passion for fitness can get for you. And she isn't done yet. You are going to see more of her on stage and if the past is any clue, she is going to keep getting better and better.
Q: First Sandra, thanks for taking the time to do this.
A: Thank you for the opportunity to hear my story.
Q: Can you start out by telling a little about yourself.
A: I am from a family of 4 children 3 older brothers and me the only girl, so you can imagine the lack of support when I told the family I wanted to be a bodybuilder in the 80"s lol... I am a mother to beautiful daughter & married to a great husband. Who support all my effort's.
Q: Were you athletic growing up? Play any sports?
A: I was an athletic child growing up into all types of sports as well as competitive equestrian rider.
Q: What initially led you into the gym?
A: I started my fitness quest back in the 80's I was a tall 5'9 lanky girl and I didn't really like the way I looked. I wanted to be like Rachel Mclish shapely and sexy. The boy friend at the time told me I had to stop going to aerobics & start to train with weights.. I couldn't believe what I was hearing because a lot of girls where not lifting weights back then. I wanted the shapely look so bad I finally went to my first work out with weights. It all made sense after I felt the deep soreness I new something different was going to happen.
Q: Was training something you picked up fairly easy? How long before you saw results?
A: Being so lean my improvements were noticeable right away.

Q: What made you decide to compete for the first time?
A: My local gym ask me to represent the gym in the next up and coming show so I cut out pictures from magazines & practiced what I saw in those mags some how had the courage to go and do my first show with no real help from anyone lol.. I won my first show & began my journey to carve out my body the way I wanted it. I figured out I was a human sculpture and my medium was me.
Q: Was competing something your family and friends supported?
A: My family of brothers didn't understand my goals and friends thought it was strange when I told them I wanted to be the best in Canada they laughed because I was so tall & skinny. The laughing has always fueled my fire to this day...
Q: Can you share your contest history.
*1980 West Coast bodybuilding champion
*1982 Ms BC Bodybuilding
*1983 Ms Seattle
*1985 Ms Washington State
*1988 Ms Western Canada Best Over All Body building
*1989 Canadian Champion
I had retired from the stage but stayed in the fitness industry until a bet came from one of my students telling me " If you think it's so easy why don't you show us how" I decided to take her up on that and quietly work away until I entered my first show in Ms Physique
*2007 Ivkar cup Ms Physique 1 st master
*2007 Ivkar cup Open tall 2 nd
*2007 I.N.B.A. Natural Olympia Ms Physique open tall 3
*2008 Canadian sports model of the year over 35 1 st place
*2008 I.N.B.A International Flex Appeal Diva 1 st place
*2008 International sports model Flex Appeal 1 st place masters
*2008 I.N.B.A. Natural Olympia Ms Figure 3 rd
*2009 Flex Appeal International Ms Figure open tall 1 st
*2009 Flex Appeal International Ms Figure Master 1 st
*2009 Flex Appeal Ms Figure Over All (Pro card earning)
*2009 Figure America 6 th place
Q: What do you feel is your best body part?
A: As far as favorite body parts I really just like the structure I was given not sure I have a favorite body part. Maybe back or quads..
Q: Do you have a favorite part to train?
A: I love to train shoulders and arms but I really just love to train so it varies
Q: What is your normal training routine like?
A: My year round training is always off season to eat lot's of high quality foods and train as hard as I humanly can.. I have along frame to fill out so putting on quality muscle is always on my mind everyday. I do no cardio in the off season and very little for contest prep as I have a fast metabolism and lose size very fast. Mostly I clean up my meals and more structure towards contest time.
Q: When someone hears you train and compete for the first time whats the most usual reaction?
A: When others here about my contest's they are interested and want to know more it seems to inspire other's.

Q: When they hear it that first time what is the one question you are most sick of hearing?
A: They always want to know if I eat enough lol if they only knew.
Q: What is the biggest misconception about women who train or the one thing you wish people understood?
A: The biggest thing women need to know is MUSCLE burns calories so even if you think you don't want muscle you do. Who doesn't want to eat more and do less ...
Q: Do you have a favorite cheat food?
A: I love all foods and really my favorite cheat food is just more food :}
Q: If another woman told you she wanted to start training, whats the one piece of advice you would most want to give her?
A: The best advice I could give another women is learn from an expert and you will be well on your way quicker with a clear understanding of your metabolism and training needs all goals are unique and an expert can guide you straight there. Sculpting your body is like putting a puzzle together, it' bit by bit.
Q: DO you think it is becoming more common to see women training as hard as men?
A: The sport of bodybuilding and women training as hard as men is finally getting accepted and I think us pioneers from the 80's really helped take the flack lol... it really was considered a weird thing to do and now it is much more main stream and marketable.
Q: Can you talk about Muscle Lines?
A: My company Muscle Lines is a personal training business that offers highly customized work out's and nutritional plans to help the client excel straight to there goals. I am the creator of Lean for Life programs. Offering instruction on lifestyle change for people looking to clean up there lifestyle and be healthy and fit for life. I am currently developing on line training as my clientele reaches outside of my local area. You can find out more at .
Q: Outside of training any other hobbies or activities you enjoy?
A: I love to create things,painting,drawing,ect.. cooking. I plan to finish my " Lean for Life" book in 2011-2012. The book is stepping people through a healthy lifestyle from shopping and organizing your kitchen to how to get effective work outs that fit with your lifestyle, there will be recipe's and programs of all levels to choose from. My spare time is minimal but anything relaxing and creative is fun for me. I want to travel the world some day.
Q: Can you describe a typical day in the life of Sandra Froher
A: Typical day for me is up at 4;45 training my first client at 5;30 am finishing client training at 12;30 fit my own work outs in, then in the office for consults & program designing. All my food prep is done the night before so my mornings and days are successful.

Q: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
A: Most people would be surprised to know I used to be shy, and I am still some what of an introvert, although I play an extroverted role on stage. I am a true Tomboy at heart so training hard and being sweaty is a place where I feel comfortable..
Q: Describe Sandra Froher in five words.
A: 5 words that describe me best are, Perfectionist, Tenacious,Compassionate, Passionate, Disciplined. Oh and quirky sense of humor :}
Q: Any set plans for the near future as far as competing or anything else?
A: After earning my Pro card in I.N.B.A. I am training intensely for my first show November 6 2010 Hollywood natural Universe. Then Pro Natural Olympia Nov 15 2010.
My direction will change in 2011 WBBF figure, and would like to compete with Fitness star modeling federation.
Q: Are you looking for sponsors?
A: I am currently seeking sponsorship would be more than happy to work through promotions or any public speaking to help promote in trade for sponsorship.
I can be reached through
Q: Sandra again, thanks for taking the time to do this. Any last words before you go?
A: Thank you for this awesome opportunity to share my journey
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