Thursday, August 19, 2010

Competitors Edge by Vanessa Prebyl

A Weekly Blog By Nationally Ranked Bikini Competitor Vanessa Prebyl

Hi to all of my readers!! This week’s blog is all belief and persistence. I know many people have written on these two topics; however, I would like to stress their importance.

First I would like to start with the power of belief. I feel if you believe you can do something you CAN and will. You must have confidence in the things you do and know that you affect your own life. Every day we make decisions/actions that change our days, weeks and then in the long run our lives.

The best way to keep “believing in YOU” is to set goals. I have always been a huge fan of goals. I set two types of goals for myself. One set is the “BIG goal” which includes all of the items such as: Owning a house, Opening a gym, Developing perfect body proportion, Being the best personal trainer, Becoming a Professional Competitor, Being truly happy in every way, and one day starting a family. These BIG goals are things that I would love to happen ASAP; however, one must plan for success and work each day towards the bigger goals. With that being said, I also have my smaller/mile-stone goals. These goals entail all of the days that I put in work to get closer to my big goals. I may break it down by days in a to-do list or months depending on the goal. An example is each day I go to the gym with a certain mindset that depends on the muscle group I am working on. I try to envision what muscles I would like to change and how I can structure my sets and intensity accordingly. **Remember that each day we make a choice and ultimately determine the lives we would like to live. Keep your goals in a visible place (I have mine on my fridge in the kitchen) so that you are constantly reminded of what your big goals are.

As for being persistence, well I feel persistence is another way of saying hard work. You know all of the saying “you’ve got to burn it to earn it”~unknown, “you’ve got to risk-it to get the biscuit”~unknown, “the harder I work, the luckier I get” ~Jenny Lynn. I too have always been up for a challenge. I still remember certain people saying I couldn’t or wouldn’t be able to do something and, as the head strong Aries I am, a voice in side my head just said “WATCH ME”. I even joined the wrestling team in High School because that is what I wanted to do. I must say, yes they were right it wasn’t easy and most people would have given up in some of my endeavors; however, I don’t believe in that. I know I can do anything if that is what I truly want. I am not afraid to work hard or put in the effort as long as it is in the right directions even if it only gets me even a hair closer to my goals.
Furthermore, above all the goal setting and wanting the perfect life, you must remember it is the journey of life that is so AMAZING. “Life is not about running from of the storm, but learning to dance in the rain”. ~unknown. As long as you are happy in your life every day I feel THAT is winning. I truly live the life of my dreams and feel I have already won in the game of life. I ultimately wish for everyone to feel as blessed as I do to be doing exactly what they love to do.
Quote of the Week:

“Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you”.
~Oscar Wilde
Love that quote :)

Wish me luck next week at Jr. USA’s in Texas on Aug. 28!! I’m going for my pro-card!! Whoohoo!!

Much love to all!!!