Saturday, December 3, 2011

Can’t Lose Weight? Struggling to Burn Fat?

One Tank, Three Shapes: All Out Tank

Creative Commons License photo credit: lululemon athletica

So you’re struggling to lose weight. You are one of the millions of women around the world who just can’t seem to burn fat. Well, all is not lost. There is hope. Here are a few things you can do if you want to start burning fat quickly and in a way that lasts for the long term.

1. Train with weights
So many women avoid weight training for fear that it will make them bulky. It won’t. Weight training is an essential component of losing weight. It elevates your heart rate and, contrary to popular belief, burns a lot of calories. If you are not weight training in a regular way then you are not setting yourself up for success.

2. Mix high intensity and low intensity
If you are struggling to lose weight I am betting that you do a long run each time you workout. Or perhaps you spend 40 minutes on the exercise bike. That’s good but you could be doing more. High intensity workouts are far more effective at burning fat because they keep your heart rate up after your exercise session has finished. This means you will be burning calories well into the day.

3. Change your workout every two weeks
The human body is adaptable. It becomes used to certain things and develops resistance to it. Exercise is no different. The body becomes accustomed to the strain you put it under and for this reason you need to start changing your workout at least every two weeks. Try weight training and then doing cardio, mixing the two up and then doing different exercises in different orders. Try new classes and keep the body guessing.