Monday, October 3, 2011

Flexibility Exercises For The Back

There are various stretches proven to render tight back muscles flexible. Flexible muscles help in preventing back pain, soreness and reduces your risks of getting injured. You can begin by resting on your back with knees bent at a comfortable distance from your buttocks and your feet resting on the floor. Pull your legs towards your chest by placing your hands behind your thighs until you feel a stretch. Hold your legs in this position for 15-20 seconds and return to the original position. Repeat this about 10 times.

Now lie on your stomach, elbows on the floor and back and legs straight. Start to straighten your elbows extending your back further until you feel a gentle stretch. Hold this pose for about 15 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 10 more times.

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Sit upright with legs comfortably crossed. Fold your hands across your chest. While keeping your hips in their current position, turn your shoulders to the right; turn until you feel a stretch in your ribs. Hold this position for a count of two. Now turn to the left and repeat the same procedure. Perform this set to both sides about 10 times.

The ideal times to practice these exercises are in the morning and in the night before going to bed. It should be understood that feeling a stretch is different from pain sensations; do not confuse discomfort with stretching as this may even lead to muscle tear and may cause injuries. After every session do not forget to rehydrate by drinking plenty of water.

The back is supposedly the most important part of our body because of the spine providing support to our entire body, holding our head on top of our necks and supporting the surrounding muscles. All of our activities that we do and the postures we take greatly influence our back and when we do heavy work or position ourselves incorrectly, we are sure to suffer backache. The only easy way to get rid of backache and back pains is through back stretching exercises that have been proven to be very effective.

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By following an effortless back flexibility exercise routine it is possible to eliminate backache by relaxing your back. The exercises prepare your back to withstand the everyday strain its is subjected to, by relaxing the muscles immensely. If you try to do heavy jobs that strain your back when your muscles are tight, you are sure to damage your back; on the other hand if your back is relaxed your muscles are more flexible and you will find yourself performing those heavy tasks with the utmost ease.

Back Flexibility exercises are a must for those involved in athletic, gymnastic and sports activities. It is important to perform these exercises before and after any kind of exercise. Sports activity calls for maximum muscle flexibility and your back being the supporting center of your body should definitely be relaxed in order for you to carry out any task successfully.

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You should realize that our body is not normally prepared for the tasks required in many sport activities. When you perform those activities without preparing your body for it, your muscles are thrown into a shock and suffer strain and injuries. This renders you incapable of successfully performing the tasks you were supposed to carry out. So before you involve yourself in any sport activity, whether you are a professional or amateur, be sure to stretch your back.

If you closely look at exercises like Yoga, Pilates and many martial arts much focus is laid upon back flexibility. This proves how important back flexibility exercises are, especially before and after any type of demanding tasks. It is the only way you can ensure that you perform your task perfectly and that your back is free of any kind of tension build up or strain.
