NAAFS War on the Shore 5 Report
July 23 the NAAFS put on War on the Shore 5. The fights were good, until the skies opened up and we got a storm. So the pro bouts and remaining amateur bouts have been moved to Rock N Rumble, making that card a can't miss. While it ended up being an abbreviated card, the fights that did take place were really good, so the night was not a total loss.
1. Amateur Heavyweight
Chris Atkinson (0-0 Independent) vs Brian Lawhead (0-0 Independent)
RD 1: Front kick by Atkinson. Both fighters land hooks. Lawhead then lands a hard hook. They trade shots and then clinch on the cage. The separate and Atkinson lands a hook. Leg kick by Lawhead. They clinch in the center and Atkinson pushes to the cage. Both trade hard hooks. Lawhead lands a cross. They clinch against the cage to close the round.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Lawhead
RD 2: Cross by Lawhead. They clinch in the center and move to the cage. Lawhead lands a knee and then another. Nice spinning backfist by Atkinson. Lawhead gets a takedown and mount. Lands ground and pound till Atkinson holds him close. Lawhead postures up and lands punches.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Lawhead
RD 3: Both fighters look tired and not much action to start the round with lots of feints. Lawhead lands a hook and Atkinson a jab. Lawhead with another hook and Atkinson counters. Lawhead with a nice hook to the body. Leg kick by Atkinson. Jab by Atkinson. Atkinson with a spinning back fist and then a cross. They clinch on the cage as round ends.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Atkinson
My score card: 29-28 Lawhead
Result: Chris Atkinson by Split Decision (30-27/28-29/29-28)
2. Amateur Light Heavyweight (Over 35 Division)
Chris Jones (0-0 S.A.F.E.) vs Jacen Huss (1-0 Independent)
RD 1: Jab by Huss. They clinch and move to the cage. Jones lands punches to the body. They separate and Huss lands a front kick. Huss lands a hook. They clinch on the cage and have a nice battle for position. Knee to the body by Huss. Huss lands more knees to the leg. Jones lands two knees and they separate. They again clinch and Huss lands knees.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Huss
RD 2: Two punch combo by Huss. Leg kick by Jones. Huss lands a jab and then several more punches. Body kick by Huss. Huss lands a push kick. They clinch against the cage and Huss lands knees. Huss with a nice body shot and then a knee. Huss gets his back and takes him down and lands hard shots to the head.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Huss
RD 3: Both fighters land hooks. Clinch on the cage and Huss lands punches to the body. Huss lands a knee to the leg More body shots by Huss. Huss with a knee to the body and then another. Huss gets a takedown. He gets north south position but Jones pulls guard and avoids damage as round ends.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Huss
My score card: 30-27 Huss
Result: Jacen Huss by Unanimous Decision (30-27/30-27/30-27)
3. Amateur Heavyweight
Steve Thom (4-5 Elite Sports Academy) vs Windom Craig (3-2 Strong Style)
RD 1: Two punch combo by Craig. Leg kick by Thom. Thom lands a jab to the body.Craig lands a hook and Thom a hard cross. Craig lands a couple punches. They clinch on the cage and Craig lands knees to the leg. They separate and Thom lands a hard hook. Craig is cut under his eye. Thom lands a hook and then they trade hard shots. Craig lands a hook and then hurts him with more punches. Craig drops him with a hook and lands ground and pound.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Craig
RD 2: Thom is now also cut under his eye. Both land jabs. Craig lands a cross and then a hard hook. They clinch and Craig lands punches to the body. Thom lands a nice shot to the body. Craig with a knee to the leg. They separate and Thom hurts him with punches but Craig comes back with hard shots. Hook by Thom. Hard hook by Craig drops him. Craig gets on top and traps an arm but then gets his back. Craig gets mount and then his back again. Craig decides to stand. Craig drops him with a hard shot and lands ground and pound till the ref stops it.
Result; Windom Craig by TKO at 2:35 of Round 2
4. Amateur Bantamweight
Josh Burr (0-1 Team ATA) vs Jake Peterjohn (0-0 Strong Style)
RD 1: Leg kick by Peterjohn. Burr lands a hook. Peterjohn lads a hook of his own. Both trade shots with Peterjohn getting the advantage. Burr is bleeding from the nose. Peterjohn lands a jab and then another. They both miss punches and then Peterjohn lands a nice jab. Both land nice hooks. Peterjohn with another nice hook.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Peterjohn
RD 2: Burr hurts him with a punch and then drops him with a hook. Burr lands a few more shots and the ref stops it.
Result: Josh Burr by TKO at :28 of Round 2
5. Amateur 165 Pounds
DeDe Justice (1-0 Elite Sports Academy) vs Lalani Malley (4-0 Team 1)
RD 1: Leg kick and a hook by Malley. Malley lands a kick to the body. Malley catches a kick and takes her down. Malley gets her back and gets hooks in working hard for the choke. Justice tries to roll out but Malley hangs on and gets the rear naked for the tap.
Result: Lalani Malley by Tapout (Rear Naked Choke) at 1:45 of Round 1
6. Amateur Welterweight
Aleksey Itunin (Independent) vs Dustin Wolfe (2-0 Strong Style)
RD 1: Kick to the body by Itunin. Jab by Wolfe. Another kick to the body by Itunin. Wolfe gets a takedown and mount. Wolfe lands ground and pound and then gets his back and looks for a rear naked. He had it but Itunin pulls out. Wolfe looks for it again and now lands punches to the head. Itunin manages to get up. Wolfe lands punches and then drops down and gets a takedown. He gets his back and again looks for the rear naked. Wolfe lands head shots.
I scored RD 1: 10-8 Wolfe
RD 2: Kick to the body by Itunin. Wolfe lands a hook. Itunin with a nice kick to the body. They clinch on the cage and Wolfe lands a knee to the body. They separate and Itunin lands a cross and kick to the body. Wolfe gets a takedown and gets his back and looks for the choke. Wolfe begins landing punches till Itunin taps.
Result: Dustin Wolfe by Tapout (Strikes) at 1:48 of Round 2
7. Amateur Lightweight
Kyle Dolan (5-2 Independent) vs Dan Farnworth (4-1 GriffonRawl)
RD 1: Body kick by Dolan. They clinch on the cage and Farnworth gets a takedown. Dolan looks for a guillotine from the bottom, but Farnworth pulls out. Farnworth lands punches to the body. Farnworth tries to get his back but Dolan rolls and gets on top. Farnworth defends well. Dolan begins landing hard punches and gets his back. Dolan stands and lands punches.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Farnworth
RD 2: Leg kick by Farnworth. Farnworth drops for a takedown but Dolan drops punches down on him. Dolan is looking fro the choke. Now he gets mount and lands punches. He gets his back but Farnworth escapes and gets on top to close the round.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Dolan
RD 3: Leg kick by Farnworth. Farnworth hurts him with punches and drops him. Dolan gets on top but Farnworth hooks a triangle for the tap.
Result: Dan Farnworth by Tapout (Triangle Choke) at :30 of Round 3
8. Amateur Welterweight
Dave Vandevelde (5-0-1 Kim's Martial Arts) vs Andrew Law (6-2 Evolve MMA)
RD 1: Body kick by Vandevelde. They clinch on the cage and both lands knees. Rain and thunder stops the fight.
Result: No contest
Submission of the night: Lalani Malley
KO of the Night: Windom Craig
Fight of the Night: Aleksey Itunin vs Dustin Wolfe
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