Chazz Anderson Interview

She is a beautiful woman, she has an incredible physique, she is a kind and supportive person, she is inspiring, and she is a future pro. So seemed natural to have Chazz Anderson back for a second interview. Her goal is a pro card this year, and I think it would be foolish to bet against her. Her is a chance to learn more about one of my personal favorites.

Q: First Chazz, thanks for taking the time for another interview.
A: You are welcome! I love what you do to promote us women so thank you back! And, Jason I am honored to talk to you as well. You inspire a lot of folks out there so congrats on your successes as well!
Q: For those who may not be familiar, can you tell a little about yourself.
A: Sure! I am a national level figure competitor in the NPC as well as a bank fraud manager, mom, wife and part-time photographer. In addition, I was crowned Mrs. Oklahoma in 2006! I have been competing in the NPC since 2007 and nationally since last year. I am a sponsored athlete with, Cellucor, 6 Pack Bags, Kamagon Ball and Symmetry Gym in Tulsa, OK.
Q: Can you tell people whats happened in your life since your first interview?
A: Well, last time I was interviewed I had done two shows, Jr. Nationals and USAs. I finished USAs at 12th. I proceeded to do NPC Nationals in Atlanta, where I did not place in the top 15, but had an amazing experience and am ready to tear up the stage this year! Also, I have a new coach. My previous coach retired which was very difficult for me because he is a close friend and had trained me for three years. However, I have found sometimes change can be a good thing! I am happy to say that my coach is Jeremy Minihan! Jeremy has been training for over 12 years and has numerous clients who are national level and also pros. He has been amazing to work with and I look forward to a great season with him this year! (find him at
Q: Have you figured out what shows you will be doing this year?
A: Yes! I will be starting off with Jr. USAs in South Carolina. I am not certain however about Jr. Nationals just yet, but will do USAs again in Las Vegas. After that show it is unplanned, however, if I get that Pro Card this year, everything will change!
Q: How do you decide which shows you want to do?
A: If I had my way, I would do every show that I am qualified and prepared to do. I know we don’t peak at all times so you don’t know when you will look your best or what the judges want at each show. I know that I want to be a Pro, so I want to work hard and do as many shows as I can while appearing in the condition the judges are wanting. I feel I will accomplish that at my first show, Jr. USAs. I seek the advice of my coach as well to ensure his assessment of my readiness is on target.

Q: What do you feel you have most improved since last time on stage?
A: Well, I put on a lot of muscle for NPC Nationals; just because that is what my coach thought was desired. Since then, I have leaned up quite a bit and concentrated a lot on my lower half. I am not as muscular as last October. I feel the overall package this year will be significantly different and aesthetically more pleasing to the judges.
Q: Is there any set goals. I mean, obviously everyone wants to win, but what will it take to make you happy with your performance this year?
A: Well, I tend to have lofty goals! I will be pleased when I finish better at each show, however, that Pro Card is always on my mind. When I eat, sleep, tan, train, work, drive, sing, dance, shower….:)
Q: How far out do you like to start prepping?
A: I generally want to give myself enough time to tweak and make any necessary adjustments; therefore I start 16 weeks out. I can tell you that in my offseason, I do not get too far off track because you never know when you may be asked to model and, I like to maintain some consistency in my training. I workout every day even in offseason. The only difference may be the aggressiveness of the sessions. In addition, I eat clean and only cheat a couple to a few times a week.
Q: Are you doing anything different with your workouts than in previous years?
A: Yes, I am incorporating more HIT type training. I find that this type of training keeps the muscles guessing and helps burn fat quickly. I am not one who has always liked plain cardio sessions, so being able to do this style has been a nice change. My coach has given me several different cardio splits that are very impactful and I am not lying when I say I am dripping sweat all over the gym when I do my cardio!
Q: Whats the hardest part of the prep process for you?
A: I believe, and have always said, ALL of it is mental. How mentally strong are you to do it? It is the whole ball of wax, not just one thing. I could say the diet, but even then, I treat the food as fuel. Sure, I would love to have a piece of birthday cake, but then it would ruin my mentality, so I refrain. Honestly, it’s the other ‘stuff’ that I find stressful like getting the nails done, spray tan, hair, makeup, packing, etc. I hate packing. Ugh.
Q: You also do photo shoots. What do you enjoy about that?
A: I do love them! Well, part of the job of representing a company, like and Cellucor, is representation. I am proud that they feel I fit the company’s overall impression of what they want their clients to see. Modeling has always been something I wanted to do, but being 5’2 ½” isn’t exactly model height. But, in this industry, it doesn’t matter. I have built an impressive portfolio with amazing photographers and the best way to market yourself and to show that you can carry many different styles is doing photo shoots. AND, the big bonus is to be able to document your body of art. That is exactly what all of your hard work in the gym is for your body ART. God gave us an amazing gift, and we should treat it with respect and maximize its potential.

Q: Is their anything in the fitness industry you haven't done that you would say is a goal to achieve?
A: Ummm…did I mention that Pro Card? Ha! Yes I want it. Bad.
Q: Do you follow the competitions much lately?
A: Yes. I am very aware of the competition scene! I was fortunate enough to attend the Arnold Classic with and met some amazing people. I met Jamie Eason, Monica Brandt, Shelsea Montes, Ed Corney and so many others. It was a dream! I also attended the Ronnie Coleman Classic in Mesquite, TX recently and that was great as well. Ronnie made an appearance and his fans just love him!
Q: Have their been any competitors you have seen lately who impress you?
A: Hmm..there are so many! Too many to name. I am interested to see how the physique competition will be this year! It is very exciting! Two of my team mates (with Jeremy Minihan) will be competing in Physique and I can’t wait to see them on stage! Bailey Shuck and Makayla Ring.
Q: Do you enjoy the stage or in front of the camera more?
A: I enjoy both equally I guess! I am a bit more comfortable on stage possibly because I am usually the person taking the photos, not the model!
Q: I always ask what the biggest misconception is about competitors. This time I will ask, what is the biggest misconception about you?
A: Biggest misconception about competitors? Hm..I think that some folks believe we are ‘full of ourselves’. To which I must reply ‘PFFFT!’ I just simply love to be fit and to workout and to eat clean and to compete. I have ALWAYS been this way since early in my youth. I bet in my lifetime so far I have entered thousands of contests and have been involved in cheer leading, softball, basketball, band, track, ice skating, swimming and rodeos. But, those who don’t understand the sport may have that impression. I don’t really know what to tell them, I just quit worrying what others think because it does ME no good whatsoever.
Q: What is a typical day in the life of Chazz Anderson like?
A: I am up around 4:15 to go to the gym. I will come back home around 6:15 and prepare for work and help my daughter off to school. I will work at a bank from 8-5 (I am an AVP and fraud manager for a large corporate bank). Then when the work day is over, I head straight to the gym for round #2. I generally do cardio and abs in the am and lifting with second cardio at night. I arrive home around 7:30 to spend with family and hit the bed around 10pm. This, of course, is a nutshell version of my day! There is so much more in my day that would bore you….
Q: How important is support from family and friends during the prep process?
A: Very important. While this is an individual sport, your team is your family and friends. I don’t know what I would do without them! I love them all! It’s the support at home with chores and food and emotional support. My husband has been great with schedules and helps out a ton. And my daughter too. She encourages me and thinks what I do is cool. She wants muscles like her momma! My second home is my gym. They are like my brothers and sisters and I cherish the friendships I have there. I also have found a lot of friendships on Facebook, and I love supporting everyone in this industry.
Q:Finish this sentence. In five years Chazz Anderson will be__?
A:I cannot fill it in! I would love to, but this is the beauty of the unknown. I would like to get my Pro Card this year, but in five years, I don’t know what life has for me. I guess I could throw in ‘powerball winner’ or ‘the mother to a 16 year old’ or ‘an author of a new book about young girls in America’..
Q: When you are done competing, how would you like Chazz Anderson the competitor to be remembered?
A: I want to be remembered as the one who was consistent and entertaining. Those who know me personally can say that I am a goof. I love to laugh and to make others laugh so I tend to be a bit humorous! I would LOVE to be the female Andy Haman! I adore that guy! He makes everything so fun and he is great with kids and I just love every snippet of him. Very electrifying! He was amazing at the Arnold, the crowd was so drawn to him!
Q: Anything I missed you want to talk about?
A: I wanted to thank everyone for their kind words they send me. I often get messages from mothers, wives and even men that say I am inspiring to them. Sometimes I am drawn to tears because some of them share their life stories on how they have overcame so much (abuse, self-esteem issues, etc.) and want better for themselves, and that one thing is to get healthy. They don’t necessarily want a six pack, but want to feel good in general. They look to me for guidance and say that I am their inspiration. I am so moved sometimes I don’t know how to react. I too, have had challenges. I grew up living on welfare and food stamps and sometimes lived with other families because my mom and sisters didn’t have a home of our own. It wasn’t easy, but we adjusted and everything that happened in my life happened for a reason and I am stronger for it. I want to encourage everyone to stay positive and believe in YOU. YOU can achieve great things. One of my favorite quotes is this one by John Wooden: "Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind"

Q: Anything you want to plug or promote? I again want to thank my sponsors:, Cellucor, 6 Pack Bags, Kamagon Ball and Symmetry Gym.
I have a website you can visit and send me messages or if you are interested in sponsoring me. Please visit I am also on here: and on Facebook.
Q: Chazz, again, thanks so much for doing this. Any last words before you go?
A: Be consistently positive with your body, mind and soul and you will achieve great things. And, never mind what others think of you. Only YOU control you, so take over NOW.
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