Stacy Hayes Interview
How can you not like Stacy Hayes? Talented, fun, and passionate. The sport seems made for someone like her. She is very hardworking which will help her improve more and more. She has several fights lined up in the future and I suggest you find a way to see them. Stacy Hayes will be a top level fighter in this sport.
Q: First, Stacy I want to thank you for taking the time to do this.
A: My pleasure :-)
Q: Can you start out by telling a little about yourself.
A: Well I'm 27 years old and qualified in I.T and Dog training of which I don't pursue as I'm a training MMA FIGHTER, I love exploring new things and meeting new people, if I can help I will always try my best. I’m known to be life and soul of a party and at times need a volume switch inserted to the corner of my mouth to save my own ears at the best of times ;). When I'm focused on something I want I usually get it I have a drive in me to get what I want in life that I wouldn’t change for the world.
Q: Were you especially athletic growing up? Play an sports?
A: Growing up with 2 brothers I was very athletic and energetic a right little tom boy , id play football with the boys, go treading through the swamps in the forest climb trees and get chased my farmers for being on there land and at 9 my parents put me into tai where I first had learned to defend myself . After that I dabbled in martial arts but mainly concentrated on my Netball and running for my local bourough short distance.
Q: What initially got you started training for MMA?
A: What got me started was wanting to be a MMA fighter and people saying you cant do that and me being me thought I can and I will and look, I am :-)
Q: Was the training something you picked up fairly easy?
A: Well I wouldn’t say easy but it came very natural to me it felt and feels right .
No training is easy and for someone to say it is, there not training hard enough or right I think.
Q: How long did you train before your first fight?
A: Training before my first MMA fight continuously 4 months, all together around a year more or less.
Q: Was fighting something your family and friends supported?
A: Yes obviously my parents would have some nerves about it but there attitude towards my life is do what makes you happy and when I'm training and fighting I'm at my happiest and my friends well they just think its funny me fighting and not getting in trouble for it they are great my friends they are very supportive I couldn’t ask for more :-)
Q: Where do you train at now?
A: I train a few miles away from my home with the MMA TERROR SQUAD at the origin gym in Rainham essex.
Q: Can you give your overall record so far.
A: No as I have 4 fights lined up over the next 12 weeks so maybe in 12 weeks I can ;)
Q: Is there one fight you would say you are most proud of?
A: Yes my first Muay Thai fight I was only on my 6th lesson and she had 3 years training , she asked the ref to stop the fight. I'm most proud of myself for getting in the ring and not being put off her record .
Q: What would you say is your biggest strength and the one thing you most want to improve?
A: My biggest strength id say is my determination and confidence to fight .
The thing id like most to improve on is my patience .
Q:Name the one fight you have seen that you will always remember?
A: Ooohh it has to be Jan Finney and Chris Cyborg gets me excited even thinking about it. Hat off to Jan Finney for lasting major respect !
Q: Are there any fighters you are a fan of or love to watch?
A: Cris Santos. Cyborg is my main female fighter I love to watch and men well there’s about 5 maybe more
Q: In your opinion, who are the top five female fighters in the sport pound for pound?
A: Cristine Santos, Tara Larosa, Rin Nakai, Aisling Daly, Megumi Fujii
Q: Do you ever see a major U.S. women's only company being viable?
A: Yes of course I do more and more women are taking part in the sport we train and play just as hard as the men ,so many girls are just as capable or more capable who haven’t had a shot at the limelight so nobody knows about them and everybody assumes they don’t exist and that’s just not the case. When they do come out into the lime light everyone will see there is enough of us female fighters for U.S company's to be viable.
Q: Often you watch a show that has one women's fight. Somehow that fight always turns out to be the most exciting fight on the card. Why do you think that is?
A: Women fight with a ferocity that we do not see in a lot of men’s bouts. It turns heads women fighting naturally then as you begin to watch you see the fight in them and it’s surprises you and turns out to be the best fight of the night !
Q: What is the biggest misconception about female fighters?
A: That we cant fight as hard as the men in fact I personally think we fight harder as we have much more to prove!
Q: If another woman told you she wanted to train for the sport, whats the biggest piece of advice you would give her?
A: If training to become an MMA fighter is what you want to do, do it. Sometimes it will be hard men not taking you seriously but show them your there to work put a 110% into it remember-Train Hard Fight Easy.
Q: Outside of training and fighting, any other hobbies or activities you enjoy?
A: Yes I love playing with my dogs, going to festivals and going to west ham football matches with the lads I’m West Ham mad plus teaching my god children Sherry and Tia West ham songs and spending time with them :-) Sherry is 3 and wants to be a fighter when shes grows up and is great at Arm Bars ;)
Q: Can you describe a typical day in the life of Stacy Hayes.
A: There’s no typical about it one day I could be getting up taking dogs out for their walk then off to the gym to train home then work then bk to the gym for the evening next I could be doing what I do most days trying to take over the world ;)
Q: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
A: That I’m a real girly girl who loves Audrey Hepburn, my own company and animals more than people haha.
Q: Describe Stacy Hayes in five words.
Q: So whats next for you? Any idea when you will be fighting again?
A: YES ill be fighting in 2 weeks on Fury MMA then making my Pro Debut 18th June at The CFC against my mate Danielle ‘The Curse’ West should be interesting then 17th July at FURY MMA after that THE UCMMA …
Q: Anything you want to take this time to plug or promote?
A: I’d like to say keep an eye out for FURY MMA owner Stephen Doran Co Partner Daniel Movahedi going to be a great show to watch, also my mind coach Alan Whitton hes superb gets me in the zone . Khalid Ismail for his support since day 1 of me as a female fighter and hes one to watch out for . And to My Team the MMA terror squad coach Spencer Hewitt . Thank you all for your support and patients with me I’ll never forget where I came from x
And to Impact Fightwear my Clothing Sponsor. Last but not least friends and family for being patient they don’t get to see me much because of training but your all in my heart :-)
Q: Are you looking for sponsors? If so, how can they reach you and what are they getting in Stacy Hayes the fighter and person?
A: I’m always looking for sponsors more the merrier and what are they getting out of ‘The Hammer’ Promotion, good fights , and loyalty!
Q: Stacy, I want to thank you for doing this. Any last words before you go?
A; That this is the beginning for me I will fight I’m born to fight if I lose a fight I'll come back from that fight harder faster stronger I've been put in this world to make my mark and I won’t stop until I have. Thank you to all my supporters I'll always have time for you x
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