Monday, April 11, 2011

NAAFS Proving Grounds Report

On April 2nd the NAAFS put on another solid show with Proving Grounds. It was a good show that had a fair share of each K.O., submission and decision finishes. A few fighters made their debut's in the age and really looked good, and there were no "bad fights". As always the NAAFS more than gave you your money's worth with this one.

1. Amateur Light Heavyweight
Tony Smith (1-0 Demolition Fight Team) vs Mike Herhold (0-0 Independent)

RD 1: Smith lands a couple shots to start it. Herhold gets a takedown but Smith gets up quick. Smith then gets a takedown and lands in half guard. He tries to get the mount and then tries for an arm triangle. Smith begins landing some body shots. Herhold gets a great sweep to get on top and is in half guard. While on top Herhold was not very active.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Smith

RD 2: Nice leg kick by Smith. Both fighters are throwing punches with Smith getting the best of it. Herhold drops down and Smith gets on top. Herhold sweeps and gets on top. Smith escapes and is now back on top. Smith has him against the cage and gets his back looking for the choke. He throws some shots to try and open him up and gets the choke for the tap.

Result: Tony Smith by tapout (rear naked choke) at 1:15 of RD 2

2. Amateur bantamweight
Andrew Angstadt (0-0 Independent) vs Levert hare (0-1 Instigator)

RD 1: Hare shoots and gets the takedown and pushes him to the cage. Angstadt holds him close. Hare is able to lift and slam him a couple times and then lands good ground and pound. Angstadt gets up but hare slams him down. Angstadt is trying to push off the cage. Hare gets his back but Angstadt is able to stand back up. Hare takes him down again. Hare lands good knees to the body to end the round.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Hare

RD 2: Angstadt misses some punches and Hare lands a body shot. Nice leg kick by Angstadt. Hare misses a shot and Angstadt counters. Hare lands some great strikes and Angstadt starts backing off. hare closes in and keeps landing till the ref stops it.

Result: Levert Hare by TKO at 1:02 of RD 2

3. Amateur Light Heavyweight
Shane Holbert (1-0 Premier MMA) vs Jeremy Chupp (0-0 Independent)

RD 1: Nice body kick by Chupp followed by a takedown. Chupp pushes him against the cage and lands some punches. Holbert grabs an arm and gets a beautiful submission.

Result: Shane Holbert by Tapout (armbar) at :43 of RD 1

4. Amateur Bantamweight
Kyle Ebert (1-1 Independent) vs Joel Vincent (1-3 American Muscle MMA)

RD 1: Vincent lands two hard punches to hurt him. Ebert clinches against the cage. Vincent hooks a guillotine and Ebert taps.

Result: Joel Vincent by Tapout (guillotine) at :28 of RD 1

5. Amateur Featherweight
Jeremiah Yeager (4-0 Nonstop MMA) vs Mike Velazquez (2-0 USA Martial Arts)

RD 1: Yeager lands a jab. Both fighters land good punches. Velazquez lands a kick and Yeager answers with two punches. Both begin throwing wild shots. Yeager lands a couple punches. Both are doing lots of circling. Velazquez lands good shots on the cage. Yeager lands a body kick. Velazquez lands a good body kick then several shots against the cage. Velazquez lands another body kick and more shots on the cage.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Velazquez

RD 2: Yeager lands a jab and Velazquez lands a good body kick. They clinch against the cage and Velazquez takes it down and gets his back He lands some punches and tries to get his hooks in but Yeager does a good job blocking. Velazquez switches to north south looking for a guillotine and then for a D'arce choke. Yeager's defense is really good. The ref stands them. Both miss some shots before Yeager lands a good cross. Velazquez lands a couple shots to end the round.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Velazquez

RD 3: Leg kick by Velazquez. Velazquez then lands some shots against the cage and Yeager lands a good knee. Yeager clinches and tries for a takedown. Velazquez defends it well and lands a knee. Yeager gets the takedown but Velazquez looks for a triangle. Velazquez mounts him while still holding the triangle and lands punches till the ref stops it.

Result: Mike Velazquez by TKO at 2:15 of RD 3

6. Amateur Bantamweight
Bill Keagan (1-0 SFC) vs Tim Enright (1-0 USA Martial Arts)

RD 1: Keagan lands some shots and Enright slams him. Keagan gets up and Enright takes him down again. Keagan looks for a guillotine but can't get it. Now Enright is looking for a guillotine. Keagan pulls out and lands some punches and looks for a choke. Enright gets back on top and gets the mount and then his back. He lands some shots to end the round.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Enright

RD 2: The clinch on the cage right away and Enright lands some knees. They separate and Enright lands a nice leg kick. Enright shoots and gets the takedown but keagan wall walks and gets right up. Enright goes for and gets another takedown. Keagan is looking for a choke. They stand and Enright lands two knees. Both throw punches and Enright takes him down. He postures up and lands some shots. He stands up and drops a hard punch. Enright gets his back and looks for a choke. He then mounts him and lands some ground and pound.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Enright

RD 3: Keagan looks for a takedown and gets it. But Enright sweeps and gets on top. Enright gets his back and lands some shots. Keagan gets half guard. Enright moves to north south and gets the choke for the tap.

Result: Tim Enright by Tapout (anaconda choke) at 1:11 of RD 3

7. Amateur 135lb
Rosanna Garcia (0-0 Evolve Academy) vs Emily Easton (0-0 Marcello Monteiro Fight Team)

RD 1: Both throw hard shots. Easton gets a takedown and lands in guard. Garcia tries for a guillotine. Easton does a good job holding on till she finally has to tap.

Result: Rosanna Garcia by Tapout (guillotine) at 1:07 of RD 1

8. Amateur Welterweight
Matt Debar (1-2 Tribal Jui-Jitsu) vs Mike Clapper (1-2 Evolve MMA)

RD 1: Leg kick by Clapper followed by a takedown. He misses a hammer fist. Debar holds him close. Clapper lands two short punches followed by a good body shot. He postures up and lands ground and pound. He stands up and drops more punches. Debar tries to get up but can't. Clapper lands more shots. They stand up and Clapper lands more and takes him back down. Debar is bleeding from the ear. Debar gets to his knees but Clapper puts him back down. Debar gets to a knee and Clapper lands a knee to the body.
I scored RD 1: 10-8 Clapper

RD 2:Leg kick by Debar and then another inside leg kick. Clapper answers with a leg kick. They trade more leg kicks and Debar lands some punches. Clapper gets a takedown against the cage. Clapper is in half guard. He lands a couple short punches. Not much action for a minute. Clapper lands a body shot and then some more shots at the end of the round.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Clapper

RD 3: Debar lands a couple jabs. Clapper throws a nice leg kick followed by another. Clapper misses a superman punch but lands a leg kick. Debar lands some punches and then a leg kick. Clapper then lands a leg kick. Clapper blocks two punches then Debar lands one against the cage that has Clapper backing up. Clapper comes back with some shots. Debar lands a nice inside leg kick. Clapper lands two good punches.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Debar
My score card: 29-27 Clapper

Result: Mike Clapper by split decision (30-17/28-29/29-28)

9. Amateur Welterweight
Chris Mellilo (5-5 Evolve MMA) vs Jon Merinar (2-1 Mid Ohio Valley BJJ)

RD 1: Nice body kick by Merinar. Mellilo gets the takedown and lands some short punches to the body and head. He pushes him against the cage. Merinar lands some good punches from the bottom. Mellilo pins his arm down and lands some punches finishing with good body shots to end the round.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Mellilo

RD 2: Nice leg kick by Mellilo and then a takedown. He pushes him against the cage and lands some body shots. He then lands some good head shots.He gets side control and lands nice knees to the body. He is doing a great job listening to his coaches in the corner. He tries to get the mount but cant get it. He tries again and gets it this time. He lands more punches to end the round.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Mellilo

RD 3: Merinar is only throwing kicks now. He does land some. Mellilo lands a good body shot. merinar looks away for some reason and Mellilo takes him down and gets side control. He lands nice knees to the body. He tries for the mount but can't get it. He lands back in guard. In guard he lands some punches. Merinar is trying for a triangle but can't get it. More punches to the body by Mellilo to end the round.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Mellilo
My score card: 30-27 Mellilo

Result: Chris Mellilo by unanimous decision (30-27/30-27/30-27)

10. Amateur Welterweight
Jeff Snyder (0-1 SFC) vs John Cook (1-0 Evolve MMA)

RD 1: Cook lands a good leg kick and Snyder clinches on the cage. Cook gets the takedown and gets his back and lands some good punches. Snyder tries to buck him off but can't. Cook lands more punches. Snyder is trying hard to stand back up. Cook lands some nice hammer fists. Now Cook gets the mount but Snyder sweeps him and gets on top. Cook holds him close to avoid damage. Snyder lands two short punches to end the round.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Cook

RD 2: Cook misses a wild shot. Cook lands a leg kick and clinches against the cage. Snyder lands some good shots in the clinch. Nice leg kick to the thigh by Snyder. Snyder is looking for a guillotine as the drop down. Cook gets his head out and is on top. Stall in the action. Cook lands some good punches and gets the mount. Snyder tries to sweep but can't. Cook lands some body shots to end the round.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Snyder

RD 3: Snyder lands a leg kick. Cook shoots but looses his balance and Snyder goes for a guillotine from the bottom. Cook gets his head out and gets the mount and lands some punches. Snyder's corner is trying to get the ref to stand them, but Cook is being busy so it would be a bad stand up. Cook lands nice short punches to the head. Both are throwing and landing on the ground to end the round.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Cook
My score card; 29-28 Cook

Result: John Cook by unanimous decision (30-27/30-27/30-27)

11. Amateur Heavyweight
Nick Dowe (2-0 Kim's Martial Arts) vs Brandon Tantari (0-0 USA Martial Arts)

RD 1: Dowe lands a jab and takes him down. Tantari almost gets up but Dowe puts him down again. Tantari tries for an arm but can't get it. Dowe lands some punches from the top. Tantari rolls on top and Dow rolls back on top. Dowe gets side control but Tantari is able to get to his feet. The clinch on the cage and Tantari lands two good knees before Dowe lands a vicious punch for the KO.

Result: Nick Dow by KO at 2:35 of RD 1

12. Amateur Lightweight
Sam Kinker (3-2 Trial Jui-Jitsu) vs Mike Putnam (3-1 Team Titan)

RD 1: Both come out throwing with Putnam getting the better of it. Kinker throws a leg kick but Putnam catches it and drops him with a punch. Kinker tires the leg kick again and again Putnam catches it and lands some shots. Good body head combo by Putnam. They clinch and go down but both stand right back up. Good jabs by Putnam. Kinker lands a kick low stopping the action. They resume and Putnam lands a nice body kick. Kinker lands a good cross. Double jab lands for Putnam. They trade shots with Putnam getting the advantage. Kinker kicks and Putnam catches it and gets a trip takedown at the end of the round.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Putnam

RD 2: Both land nice punches. They clinch against the cage and Putnam gets a slam takedown and ends in side control. Putnam stands back up and slams him again. They stand up and Putnam lands a good cross. Very hard kick by Kinker goes low stopping the action. When action resumes Putnam lands a good punch and gets a takedown landing in guard. Putnam stands and gets a beautiful slam to end the round.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Putnam

RD 3: They trade punches and Putnam slams him. Putnam has side control but stands up. They trade shots. Kinker lands a nice leg kick. Putnam slams him again. Putnam lands punches fro side control. Putnam stands and goes for a slam again, but can't get it this time. He tries again and gets it. Putnam is in his guard but not active to end the round.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Putnam
My score card: 30-27 Putnam

Result: Mike Putnam by unanimous decision (30-26/30-26/30-26)

13. Amateur Welterweight
Andrew Law (6-1 Evolve MMA/Team Independent) vs Bill Morosetti (H2O MMA)

RD 1: Law lands a leg kick and gets a takedown landing in guard. Morosetti using wrist control. Law stands up and both land nice knees. They clinch on the cage and go down with Morosetti on top. Law tries to escape but Morosetti lands good shots. Law tries to stand and Morosetti gets his back and lands punches to the head. He lands more good shots. Law turns over and Morosetti has mount. law escapes and gets on top. Good wrist control by Morosetti to avoid damage.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Morosetti

RD 2: Law lands a leg kick and gets the takedown. Law gets the mount but Morosetti does a good job avoiding damage. Law postures up and lands a couple shots. He then begins landing harder shots. Morosetti is trying to escape but can't. he finally rolls and gets Law's back. Morosetti tries for an armbar but Law Defends well.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Law

RD 3: A leg kick by Law and Morosetti gets a takedown. Morosetti gets the mount but doesn't do much from the position. Now Morosetti gets his back. Law using wrist control to avoid the choke. Law turns into him and is on top in Morosetti's guard. Morosetti goes for an arm from the bottom. Morosetti has his back and also has his arm trapped and lands punches to end the round.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Morosetti
My score card: 29-28 Morosetti

Result: Bill Morosetti by unanimous decision (29-28/30-27/29-28)

Submission of the Night: Shane Holbert

KO of the Night: Nick Dowe

Fight of the Night: Andrew Law vs Bill Morosetti