NAAFS Caged Fury 14 Report
On Saturday February 26th the NAAFS put on another great show, Caged Fury 14. Before a packed, standing room only house, they put on another great show. Every fighter showed up ready to entertain. The fights had really great crowd responses, as the crowd clearly enjoyed each fight. The NAAFS is one of those promotions who always runs a first class show designed to entertain the fans. Here is my report on the show.
1. Dave Spadell (3-1 Independent) vs Miguel Defina (4-2 Team GriffonRawl)
RD 1: Defina opens with some good punches and quickly goes for a guillotine, instead settling for a good takedown. Defina lands good body shots from the top. Spadell is able to stand back up. Defina lands a good knee to the body and they clinch on the cage. They separate and Defina gets the better of an exchange. Defina gets a takedown against the cage and Spadell pulls guard. Defina lands a couple punches to end the round.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Defina
RD 2: Defina lands a good punch but Spadell then lands several good shots against the cage rocking Defina. Defina gets a clinch and takedown and begins looking for a rear naked choke. Spadell escapes and stands back up. Both fighters look tired here. Defina goes for and gets a double leg takedown and gets his back. He is able to get one hook in but can't get the second so begins to land strikes. The ref stands them up as the round ends.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Spadell
RD 3: Great leg kick by Spadell and Defina counters and gets a takedown and gets mount. Spadell gets a great sweep to get on top and goes for a choke, but Defina reverses and gets back on top and then gets a crucifix, but was not overly active from the position. Now he lands some good body shots. Spadell rolls to is stomach and Defina looks for a choke as the round ends.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Defina
My score card: 29-28 Defina
Decision: Miguel Defina by unanimous decision: 29-28/29-28/29-28
2. Amateur Lightweight
Bill Algeo (1-0 Team Titan PA) vs Victer Crenshaw (1-0 Strong Style Fight Team
RD 1: Crenshaw comes out landing punches including some good head shots and goes for the takedown. He gets a nice slam takedown. Algeo is going for an arm but Crenshaw pulls out. Crenshaw gets his back but Algeo does a nice job of rolling out and standing up. Crenshaw lands a good head and body combo and then lands a few more shots. Algeo gets a takedown and gets his back and goes for a rear naked. Crenshaw pulls out but Algeo goes for it again. This time he gets it hooked in but Crenshaw is able to quickly get out. Algeo lands some punches to the head as the round ends.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Algeo
RD 2: Good shot to the head by Crenshaw, who then lands some more shots. They clinch against the cage where Crenshaw lands a great punch to the head. The ref separates them. Crenshaw gets thumbed in the eye forcing a stop in action. When it resumes Algeo lands a good punch and Crenshaw answers with some good shots and they clinch on the cage. Crenshaw lands a good uppercut Algeo gets a slam and lands in side control and then gets the mount followed by getting his back. He flattens him out and starts landing punches. Algeo gets mount again and lands ground and pound forcing the ref to stop it.
Result: Bill Algeo by TKO at 2:53 of round 2
3. Amateur Light Heavyweight
Tommy Deroia (4-0 Dungeon MMA) vs Tony Hodges (3-0 Team Hodges)
RD 1: They clinch and Deroia lands a knee and gets a takedown and gets side control. Then he gets his back and flattens him out and quickly gets a rear naked choke for the tap.
Result: Tommy Derioa by Tapout (Rear naked choke) at :44 of round 1
4. Amateur Lightweight
Cameron Ross (3-1 Brick Wall Fight Club) vs Josh Kallai (2-0 Evolve MMA)
RD 1: Nice body kick by Ross and then he lands a leg kick. They clinch on the cage and Kallai gets a takedown and gets his back. He gets his hooks in and Ross tries hard to stand but goes back down. Kallai lands good strikes. The roll around but Kallai does good job keeping the body triangle. Kallai flattens him and lands more strikes.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Kallai
RD 2: Ross misses a leg kick and Kallai shoots in and gets a takedown and side control and then mount. He lands some good punches. They stay in this position for awhile. Kallai then lands some nice body shots and gets his back and flattens him. He lands some more shots to end the round.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Kallai
RD 3: Ross comes out throwing punches then Kallai gets a takedown. Kallai postures up and lands several punches before taking his back. He ends up back in half guard. Kallai moves to the mount and lands ground and pound. Ross's mouth is bleeding pretty bad. Kallai lands more ground and pound to end the round.
I scored RD 3 10-9 Kallai
My score card: 30-27 Kallai
Decision: Josh Kalli by unanimous decision: 30-27/29-28/30-27
5. Amateur 115lbs
Ronda Gale (3-2 Dungeon MMA) vs Holly Powell (4-1 Savage Grappling)
RD 1: Both throw leg kicks. They clinch on the cage . Gale lands two good punches followed by a beautiful jab. Powell lands a nice body kick. They separate but then clinch again. Gale lands a good uppercut in the clinch. Nice knee by Gale. Powell is trying hard to take it down and Gale lands nice punches. Powell lands a good punch and Gale lands a good shot in return. Powell is going for a single leg and finally gets it. Powell is going for an arm as the round ends.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Gale
RD 2: Good knees by Gale. Both throwing wild punches and Gale lands a good knee to the body. They clinch on the cage and Powell tries to take it down. Powell is really trying hard to get the takedown, and Gale just keeps landing shots. The ref separates them and Gale lands a couple nice punches. Gale then lands a good knee to the body and a leg kick. Gale lands several more punches. Powell shoots in but gets stuffed. Powell finally gets it down as the round ends.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Gale
RD 3: Gale lands hard punches. Powell shoots for the single and gets stuffed. Gale lands a nice shot to Powell's head. Now Powell is going for a double leg and Gale lands on top. Powell trying hard for a triangle. In guard Gale lands some shots. Powell is going for an arm but the round ends.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Gale
My score card: 30-27 Gale
Decision: Ronda Gale by split decision: 30-27/28-29/29-28
6. Amateur Bantamweight
Victor Guarriello (3-2 Team Air Gad-fly) vs Cody Garbrandt (3-1 Mainstreet MMA)
RD 1: Leg kick by Guarriello. Garbrandt lands some head shots and hurts him and the ref stops it.
Result: Cody Garbrandt by TKO :36 of RD 1
7. Amateur Bantamweight
Tyler Saltsman (4-0 Team Titan PA) vs Isaiah Chapman (9-1 Rock Hard MMA)
RD 1: Saltsman shoots in but misses. He shoots again and gets stuffed. Chapman lands a good punch and knocks him down but Saltsman gets back up immediately. Good jab by Chapman. Saltsman gets a single leg but Chapman gets right up only to be slammed down by Saltsman. Saltsman lands good strikes from the top. Chapman gets back up. Saltsman takes him down again. Chapman tries hard to get up but Saltsman holds onto one leg. They do stand and Saltsman shoots in again and gets a takedown but Chapman gets up quick. Chapman lands a knee and punches at end of the round.
I sored RD 1: 0-9 Saltsman
RD 2: Chapman lands some punches. Saltsman shoots bet gets stuffed. Chapman lands good strikes against the cage. More good striking by Chapman. Chapman landing a good deal of punches here. Saltsman goes for and gets a takedown and lands some short head shots. Then he lands some body shots. Chapman gets to his feet and lands a nice cross that hurts him. Saltsman shoots for but cant get a takedown at the rounds end.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Chapman
RD 3: Both land some punches. Good leg kick by Saltsman followed by a takedown. Good punches by Saltsman as Chapman tries for a choke from the bottom. They stand back up. Good punches by Saltsman and then he shoots but gets blocked. Saltsman then gets the takedown and Chapman tries for a guillotine. Saltsman postures up and lands good strikes. In north-south position and then side control for Saltsman. Chapman stands and lands a knee to the body and throws wild punches to end the round.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Saltsman
My score card: 29-28 Saltsman
Decision: Isaiah Chapman by unanimous decision: 29-28/29-28/29-28
8. Pro Lightweight
John Myers (11-9 Instigator Fight Team) vs Bryon McCroskey (8-4 Team GriffonRawl)
RD 1: Lots of circling. Myers lands a body kick and both land punches. McCroskey gets a takedown but decides to stand back up. Myers lands a leg kick and and McCroskey lands a hook. McCroskey then lands a nice leg kick and punch. McCroskey misses a spinning back fist and Myers gets a takedown. McCroskey lands a nice elbow from the bottom and Myers pushes him against the cage. Myers decides to stand back up. McCroskey hurts him with a punch and Myers goes for and gets a single leg. Myers goes for a guillotine but it doesn't appear tight. McCroskey gets on top and land good strikes. They stand and McCroskey lands a knee to the head and takes him down. Myers looks cut badly over his eye. Good body shots by McCroskey to end the round.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 McCroskey
After the round Myers knee is injured and he can't continue
Result: Bryon McCroskey by TKO at end of round 1
9. Pro Light Heavyweight
Josh Watson (6-2 Team Throwdown) vs John Hawk ( 10-2-1 Strong Style Fight Team)
RD 1: Both throwing jabs. Watson lands a good punch. Hawk lands some good shots. Good leg kick by Watson then hawk lands a nice leg kick. Both are landing hard shots. Hawk lands a good leg kick. Watson charges in but misses a punch and Hawk lands a few shots putting him against the cage. Good leg kick by Watson. Watson lands a cross and Hawk answers with a couple good jabs. Watson lands a leg kick. Hawk hurts hm with punches and drops him. Hawk gets on top and lands vicious elbows till the ref stops it.
Result: John Hawk by TKO at 3:55 of round 1
10. Pro Heavyweight
Dan Spohn (12-4 Cambridge MMA) vs Josh Hendricks (19-6 Fight Farm/Nutter MMA)
RD 1: Spohn lands a leg kick. Hendricks forces a clinch on the cage and lands a good knee. Spohn hurts him with a punch. Hendricks gets a takedown against the cage and lands a couple short head shots. Hendricks has a bad cut on his head. They stop it to check the cut and Hendricks is unable to continue due to the cut.
Result: Dan Spohn by TKO at 1:57 of Round 1
Submission of the Night: Tommy Deroia
Knockout of the Night: John Hawk
Fight of the Night: Ronda Gale vs Holly Powell
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