Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What Happens When the Hooker Heels and Self Tanner Comes Off by Lindsey McFerran

What Happens When the HOOKER HEELS and SELF-TANNER Comes OFF:

Post -Contest....

Ayo Ayo Ayo
Well Ladies and Gentlemen, I am back in the blogging world. Sorry it took me sooo long, I have been preping preping preping for my round of shows. Well when I say round of shows, i mean two and boy did i learn a lot about myself from them. But that is not what i want to write about (that will be left for another time)

I want to write about what everyone and I BELIEVE ALL COMPETITORS are feeling after the show. The moment where you step off stage, the placing has been made and the SHOW IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

What next, well for almost every competitor what NEXT IS A HUGE MEAL AT THEIR FAVORITE RESTAURANT. Mine post-contest meal is usually a fatty Red Robin Burger with their endless supply of fries. A LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN IF YOU ASK ME!!!!

But then you go to bed and if you are like me, you probably ate tooo much so you can't sleep. So you end up cleaning your whole apartment. YES I DID DO THIS and yes i did wake up the next morning and did cardio. I KNOW I AM A WEIRD WEIRD BREED.

But now what do you do you do? For me, I don't have another competition in the near future, but it is still hard to get your life back in balance. What am I talking about. Lets see for the past 2 maybe 3 months when I stepped it into high gear training mode, i only had like a couple of things on my meals (eat every 3 hours keep metabolism ramped)............Cardio (make sure i always get my first session of cardio in before my first meal.................make sure I hit the weights with intensity (even though, i am first to tell you sometimes i would be in tears at the end or beginning of those and my lifting was definitely not as heavy as it usually was.............then last but might be the most important one of all MAKING SURE I GET ENOUGH SLEEP.

All these things to think about can consume your brain and your life, then throw in every ameteur level competitor has to deal with the "Real LIFE" so that means a job, family and relationships (if they can stand you in your carb-depleted, overtrained state :)

For me, I use the competitons as an excuse of not really having to deal with the real-life as much. I mean i do my job because I still need to make a living, so i can buy that $200 dollar posing suit. But everything else, seems to be thrown to the wind which is why i am probably having a hard hard hard time finding balance right now.

Lets me real about three hours of my day has been devoted to training. SO how do i spend my spare time when i neglected the real life, these are the things they don't tell you.

How do you deal with the feeling of emptiness. Also for me, i am hella paranoid of getting fat. I like to stay pretty lean in the off-season but how restrictive can you be or should be???????????

So I guess right now, I am trying to find A LITTLE BALANCE. And how am I doing that right now!!!

Well i can tell you that i am not doing two hours of cardio. But since it is my off-season i don't believe in abolishing cardio completely. Gotta keep my heart in check and that mitochondria going so that i can get those blood vessels going to BUILD SOME MUSCLE!!!!!

I am also not abolishing my diet, call me CRAZY!!! BUT I love the food i eat, i mean oats with choclate whey protein powder is like my favorite meal of the day, i dream about it!

So how am i finding balance you ask? Well I am finding balance by eating more clean food i like and lifting heavy without doing a BOATLOAD OF CARDIO. Right now, i am trying to find balence by trying to put on SIZE (AKA muscle, but with minimum fat gains hence why keeping the cardio in there as well as keep it tight on my foods.

Also how am i finding balance by focusing more on other things like my job that i neglected right now i am coaching volleyball players and that is a lot of fun.

But i guess the point i am trying to get across in this blog is that this sport can F*** with your mind if you let it. But if you are true to yourself and do what you want to do. Then you can do as many shows as you want. But like I tell a lot of first time competitors have a PLAN OF ATTACK once the show is over because if you don't then you can end up rebounding by like 15 pounds and throwin your life upside down.

I have done 4 shows and every time, i still have that empty feeling like Little Timmy when the Christmas holiday is over. But you just gotta push through and find something else that motivates you, which is what I am doing right now.

A little food for thought, this is a side of the sport not shown.

AYO AYO AYO Keep training hard ladies and gentlemen and your eyes on the prize