Saturday, July 10, 2010

Gail Auerbach Jr Nationals Interview

Gail Auerbach is one of the first bodybuilders I ever got to know or at least talk to on Facebook. From then till now she remains one of my favorite people in the industry. First I just saw her picture and saw how beautiful she was. But since then I have gotten to see how amazing her physique is, and how amazing and inspiring a woman she is. I got to meet her for a moment at the Arnold's and she was even more beautiful in person. But Gail the bodybuilder is someone who is destined for great things. Gail is to me, a lock to have her Pro card. If you support the sport, you need to support Gail. She is one of those people I really look up to and admire. As she says she is new to competing still, which means that she has done so good for being new, and also means, once she isn't so new, and has experience, she is going to be amazing. She recently did Jr. Nationals and looked amazing, real obvious improvements, and is getting ready for USA's, and no doubt she will shine on that stage.

Q: Gail, thanks for taking the time out to do a second interview.
A: Thanks for the opportunity!!!

Q: For those who may have missed the first interview, can you tell a little about yourself.
A: I am new to the bodybuilding scene. I have only done 3 shows, one being a local level show! I am a first grade teacher in Illinois with a Master's Degree in Educational Administration and a Ph.D in Special Education. This year I am working on getting Nationally Board Certified as a teacher in the state of Ilinois!

Q: First I must say congrats on the Jr. Nationals. I thought you looked incredible A: Thanks!

Q: As a show itself what did you think of it?
A: It was a great experience! I loved the fact that the show was at the host hotel. Made is so much easier and more convenient.

Q: I saw one person blame the electricity problem for a lower placing.
A: Did it have any effect on you. Not at all! It was actually kinda fun as it allowed the competitors backstage to spend more time talking and getting to know one another.

Q: After pre-judging how were you feeling about your chances?
A: I actually wasn't worrying about my placing, just doing my best!

Q: How did you feel about the overall package your brought to the stage?
A: I came in with bigger legs and more shredded than last year!

Q: What part of your physique would you say was the one you have improved the most the last year?
A: My legs

Q: Was there one aspect of your physique you thought could have been better or you wan to improve on?
A: I still want to bring up my legs a bit and my arms.

Q: Did your prep go as smoothly as hoped for?
A: Yes! It was great! It got rough towards the end but that is to be expected!

Q: Is there a point in the prep process where you say "O.K. I am ready"?
A: When I was ready to step onstage! Until then I never feel like I am ready! I always want to be tighter, dryer, fuller...etc.....

Q: Anything about the prep process that you can say you want to do different next time?
A: I want to stop obsessing over every detail and caring about the little details that don't matter in the big picture. For example, the different kinds of stevia I used, how much diet soda I drank, whose coffee has calories and whose doesn't...etc...

Q: After a show like that, are you mentally drained at all?
A: Nope! Back on my diet and cardio and gearing up for USA's!

Q: The week before a show like that, what were you thinking about? Nervous or excited, or what?
A: Nervous, anxious. It gets harder for me to sleep through the night.

Q: How about those last 5 minutes before you hit the stage, what were you thinking about?
A: Doing my best, smiling, posing, having FUN!

Q: When you are on stage did you try and read the judges reactions at all or just focus on what you are doing?
A: It goes so fast you have no time to focus on the judges faces.

Q: Whats the first thing you ate once it was over?
A: I wanted to drink more than eat! I drank a protein shake, Gatorade, diet Mountain Dew! I wanted Taco Bell and McDonald's! I had a few of my favorite sweets but didn't want to get sick so I put a limit on it!

Q: Anyone you got to meet or see for the first time that you were excited about?
A: OMG! YES! I met Tracy Mason, Sarah Mathinson and Jen Palazzo. We are all keeping in touch and they are a great support unit for me! I have been wanting to meet Tracy Mason since before I ever competed.

Q: How important is support from family and friends at a show like this?
A: I think support from family and friends is important in life! My family and friends have always been supportive and understanding. My co-workers are a different story!

Q: Have you decided when you will be on stage next?
A: In 5 weeks at the USA's!

Q: Anyone you want to thank for helping you in the process?
A: YES! I have the best team I work with! Michael Liberatorre who is the best trainer ever and Dave Palumbo for being the best diet coach ever!

Q: Anything you want to take this time to plug or promote?
A: If you don't use any of the SPECIES products I highly recommend them! They work great and are made with the best quality ingredients! If you have any questions regarding them feel free to ask me!

Q: Gail you know the admiration and respect I have for you. I was really happy when I saw how great you looked and I have no doubt a Pro card will be coming your way. Any last words before you go?
A: Thank you for your support and for believing in me. This is what keeps me moving forward in this sport. Also, thank you for the opportunity to do an interview and for promoting women's bodybuilding the way you do!