Sheila Benditz Contest Prep Journal
Sorry that it has been a couple of weeks since my last writing. I think that I am going through everything most people experience as they prepare for a show, being tired, hungry, and being "air-headed". But in these last couple weeks I have given myself a cheat meal every Sunday, a burger and fries!!! I have so needed these meals, since I have added them, I feel so much better, and I am still ahead of schedule with my "fat loss". Have to add that I am looking forward to my last "cheat" next weekend, waffles and bacon, although I really never have an issue with food, it's just that I "give up" a lot of my cheats for lent, so I have been eating very clean since early February.
I can see some real progress in my arms and legs, thanks to Tina. As I have mentioned before, I did not have an "off-season" to really prepare, so I am starting to get excited, as I only have 5 and 7 more weeks to contests. As I get closer to the contests, I may not have the size I truly want, but I can guarantee that I will be one of the leanest, if not the leanest competitor. With the progress I am making, I am very excited about next year, having a full off season to get ready for contests. With this being said, let me say that by no means am I not expecting to win this year, it's just that I am excited as to where I can be! SO I have to say, that as I am only 5 weeks out for teh 1st show, I have a few upcoming events that I need to get through! My husband's birthday, my 40th high school reunion, and my wedding anniversary! So, as I am sure many of you have experienced, I am wondering just how I am looked upon at my high school reunion. Luckily I ahve a very understanding spouse, and we will be celebrating the other milestones in August.
Getting back to my preperation, this next week, I am looking forward to meeting up with my "suit" lady, so I can maek sure I ahve my much needed suit. Hopefully I have given her enough time to get me suited up right. And I should be sending in my registration for teh Branch Warren Classic and Master Nationals as it is due by month's end. Just one last quick note, I am finally starting to get excited about my upcoming show's, it seems that everything is really starting to fall into place.
Thank you for stopping by and reading, hope you are enjoying following my journey.
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